Why EHU? What makes EHU unique?


EHU is an international University for promoting civil society development through Humanities and Liberal Arts. Education at EHU does more than immerse students in a range of subjects and disciplines. By virtue of University’s location in Vilnius Old Town, EHU maximizes the creative and academic potential of students, promotes European values, academic excellence and critical thinking. EHU welcomes students of all backgrounds, committed to liberal education, personal autonomy and free inquiry.

International student mobility

Exchange programs

Every year, thanks to Erasmus + and Campus Europe programs, dozens of EHU students study at one of 50 partner universities in Europe.

Study programs



School of Digital Competencies (SDC) - an educational program aimed at providing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in accordance with the actual requirements of international IT organizations.


Academic degree: Bachelor of Computer Science
Study period: 3.5 years (7 semesters) (full-time (on-campus)); 3.5 years (7 semesters) (full-time (online)); 4.5 years (9 semesters) (part-time (session-based));


BA Programme “Law” prepares highly qualified lawyers who share European values, who are able to protect human rights and participate in the formation of a democratic social state based on the rule of law in the Republic of Belarus through competent, critical and creative work in the institutions of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, nongovernmental organizations, bar associations, law firms and business entities.


Academic degree: Bachelor of Law
Study period: 3.5 years (7 semesters) (full-time study); 4.5 years (9 semesters) (part-time study);


BA Program “History” trains highly qualified professionals in the field of history with theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional competences that meet contemporary educational standards.


Academic degree: Bachelor of History
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (full-time);
Business Economics

Business Economics

The “Business Economics” program prepares highly qualified economists with a unique set of competencies.

Business Economics

Academic degree: Bachelor of Social Sciences (in Economics)
Study period: 3.5 years (7 semesters, 210 ECTS) (full-time);
International Law and Security Studies

International Law and Security Studies

The MA programme "International Law and Security Studies" is aimed at training lawyers whose professional orientations are: non-conflict resolution of international disputes, maintaining security of interstate communication by legal means, social responsibility and sustainable development of states and the international community as a whole. It is expected that programme graduates will demonstrate their adherence to the values of the Western legal tradition, capability of implementing the principles of democracy and the rule of law through legal and other legitimate means, and promotion of the ideals of peace and security by means of international law.

International Law and Security Studies

Academic degree: Master of Law
Study period: 1,5 years (3 semesters);
Visual Design

Visual Design

Development of creativity and individual style. Contemporary information technologies. 3d modelling. Trains designers for electronic and paper media, illustrators, animators, web designers, interface designers, art directors.

Visual Design

Academic degree: Bachelor of Arts
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (High Residence); 5 years (10 semesters) (Low Residence);
World Politics and Economics

World Politics and Economics

Two universities - two diplomas. In collaboration with Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. The double diploma program with Bachelor of Political Science degree and a Bachelor of Economics degree. Trains political scientists, economists and professional analysts.

World Politics and Economics

Academic degree: Bachelor of Social Sciences
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (full-time) (double degree program with Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania)); 5 years (10 semesters) (part-time);
Media and Communication

Media and Communication

The future of media. Practical orientation. The newest equipment. Two specializations: "New Media" and "Visual Culture and Creative Industries". Trains professional journalists, critics, producers and specialists in media planning.

Media and Communication

Academic degree: Bachelor of Social Sciences
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (full-time); 5 years (10 semesters) (part-time);
Cultural Heritage Development

Cultural Heritage Development

Theoretical and practical aspects of the way heritage interacts with contemporary society. Developing competence for implementing for-profit and non-profit research-intensive and interdisciplinary initiatives and public administration.

Cultural Heritage Development

Academic degree: Master of Humanities
Study period: 1.5 Years
Public Policy

Public Policy

This innovation program was developed jointly with the University of Leiden and the Netherlands Institute of Public Administration ROI. Trains specialists in the field of public administration, political analysts and experts.

Public Policy

Academic degree: Master of Social Sciences
Study period: 1.5 Years (3 semesters);
Visual Plastic Art

Visual Plastic Art

Experience from renowned practitioners. Experimental and innovative design techniques. Practical visual studies in Vilnius, St. Petersburg, Athens and Florence. Trains art directors, conceptual artists, animation directors.

Visual Plastic Art

Academic degree: Master of Arts
Study period: 2 Years
Gender Studies

Gender Studies

The only full-fledged Master's program in Gender Studies in Lithuania and Belarus, based on more than 20-year-old tradition of EHU in the field of gender studies

Gender Studies

Academic degree: Master of Social Sciences
Study period: 1.5 years (3 semesters);


European historical and philosophical tradition. Interdisciplinary orientation. Doctorate research is carried out in collaboration with Vytautas Magnus University and the Lithuanian Institute for Cultural Studies.


Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (High Residence); 6 years (12 semesters) (Low Residence);
Alumni since 1992
Earn 2.5 times more than graduates from universities in Belarus
Students in 2023
Among them, citizens of Belarus make up

Люди и моменты Отзывы и опыт

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EHU gave me a ticket to a better life: profession, knowledge, friends.
EHU gave me a ticket to a better life: profession, knowledge, friends. EHU is about opportunities. If there is a will there's a way. If there will be actions – the results will appear as well. I have already started to build my career as a junior lawyer in the international consulting company RoyaltyRange Europe.
Bareika Katsiaryna, Master‘s program "International Law and EU Law" alumna (Class 2020)
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EHU is a project of particular importance for guys like me, raised in post-Soviet countries.
EHU played a pivotal role in my career and life offering a unique transformative journey. As a student coming from a post-Soviet country, the university held a profound significance in shaping my educational path. Over the course of four enriching years, EHU became the nexus where I not only immersed myself in the European Union’s educational system but also embraced the new approaches to learning through Liberal Arts. One of the most remarkable aspects of my time at EHU was the opportunity for academic exchanges, which enabled me to study in four diverse countries: Lithuania, Spain, the USA, and Italy. These experiences not only broadened my horizons but also honed my foreign language skills. While English was one of the primary language of my studies, I found myself delving into the intricacies of German, Lithuanian, and Spanish. EHU was not just about academics; it was about fostering a sense of community. Within the university’s walls, a supportive Russian-speaking community thrived among fellow students and teachers, making the journey far less daunting and enabling us to seamlessly integrate into the global academic community and the English-speaking professional world, all within the span of just four years. All in all, my time at EHU was a personal story of growth, cultural exploration, and the realization of the boundless opportunities that education can unlock.
Anastasiya Halaburda, Bachelor’s program “European Heritage” alumna (Class 2021).
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EHU is a guide to the world of opportunities and self-reflection.
EHU is a guide to the world of opportunities and self-reflection. Thanks to the university, I gained a sense of self-sufficiency and began to feel the ground under my feet. Every step you take or, oppositely, inaction leads to unpredictable consequences at EHU. They can be both destructive and life-changing. It all depends on you.
Tsimafei Misiukevich, Bachelor's program "World Politics and Economics" alumnus (Class 2021).
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At EHU you discover a new version of yourself. And this is infinitely valuable.
There have been many bright and amazing moments in my life. This is largely the merit of my alma mater – EHU. For me, the university has always been associated with the word “opportunity”. I was taking the maximum and was giving all of me: I had an amazing Erasmus experience, a large number of conferences and volunteering, I met people to whom I became attached with all my heart. I found like-minded people and discovered the corners of my personality that I had never thought about before. My horizons have become broader, and my values have become clearer and more global. I think that at EHU you discover a new version of yourself. And this is infinitely valuable.
Angelina Shablovskaya, Bachelor’s program “Media and Communication” alumna (Class 2019), Master’s program “Public Policy” alumna (Class 2021).
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Application of knowledge after graduation is the best indicator for a university, isn't it?
No university will ever guarantee you a successful career. Even Harvard. But it seems that EHU students are people who can do the best they can. I learned a lot from the university for my career, a lot of "my people" are from there. Application of knowledge after graduation is the best indicator for a university, isn't it?
Nastassia Levanenka, Bachelor's program "Cultural Heritage and Tourism" alumna, (Class 2016)
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The time I spent at EHU is an extraordinarily valuable part of my life.
The time I spent at EHU is an extraordinarily valuable part of my life. The student community of like-minded people, the academic community of professionals, regular meetings with intellectuals, entrepreneurs, theorists and practitioners is an invaluable experience, which can only be gained in an environment unframed by ideology. It is crucial for young people to develop their potential, soft-skills and understand the importance of interdisciplinarity. The university provides both discipline (deadlines, responsibilities, and the acquisition of new knowledge) and a foundation for informal development. The synthesis of these two elements allows a person to form an independent personality, with critical thinking and the ability for constant self-development.
Kiryll Atamanchyk, Bachelor's program "Cultural Heritage and Tourism" alumnus (Class 2011) and Master's program "Cultural Heritage" alumnus (2013)
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I’m glad to be an alumna at EHU.
I’m glad to be an alumna at EHU First of all, at EHU I was given the basis, which is critical thinking. On it I’ve built subsequent professional activities Studies at the university, specializing in humanities, implies activating analytical skills. Regardless of the sphere, it can be academic, connected with art, or even routine. The ability to analyze, differ the primary from the secondary, build cause-and-effect relationships, present yourself credibly and consistently — all that is needed in any activity. When I graduated from EHU, I started working with contemporary belorussian art and photography. In 2009 and 2011 it was prestigious to be an alumna, and at the same time it obliged us to bear lots of responsibility. However, the history of new belorussian contemporary art is written by EHU alumnae. They’ve participated in the creation and organization of galeries, photography festivals, first expositions and so on.
Anna Samarskaya, Bachelor’s program “Media and Communication” alumna (Class 2009), Master’s program «Cultural studies» (Class 2011)
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While studying at EHU, I’ve experienced a period of dramatic intellectual growth.
While studying at EHU, I’ve experienced a period of dramatic intellectual growth The environment was proper to stimulate the desire for education and personal development. I met professors and lecturers, fully excited by their disciplines and spheres of studies; active students, who visit lectures not just for the record, but because they’re interested to do so; various projects, courses, initiatives that were available in free time; and, of course, Vilnius with its own infinite cultural program. Now, while reading about cases of successful projects, launched by EHU alumni, or stories about built careers in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine or in Europe, I feel proud that I studied among these people. EHU is a space, where you will be given all possibilities for studies. The process would be exciting and you would find yourself around people, who would stimulate each other to become better versions of themselves.
Helena Smirnova, Bachelor’s program «The History of Belarus and Cultural Anthropology» alumna (Class 2011)
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Me before EHU and Me after EHU are two absolutely different persons (with a positive trend in personal development).
No wonder, lots of people are eager to know how the university has taught you and helped with career building. Honestly, never before has it been so pleasurable to reflect upon that topic, because me before EHU and me after EHU are two absolutely different persons (with a positive trend in self-development). I associate EHU with a boot camp, because work has been one of my favourite activities at the university. Together with my team we’ve created a visual novella for first-year students, participated in the development of hermeneutic seminars, visited various international conferences, presented academic works and results of research and so on. The university offers a lot of opportunities to practice, develop and enhance academic and professional skills. Fear of difficulties faded away, aspiration and desire to grow remained. Now I eagerly explore the sphere of digital marketing, working as a media-manager for a company Deep Media Technologies and gaining a master's degree at Vilnius university. And I’m totally happy with that.
Anastasiya Tumel, Bachelor’s program “Media and Communication” alumna (Class 2020)
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EHU differs from the other universities by giving you the sense of family, which is ready to give a helping hand to you.
I graduated from EHU 7 years ago and often enough I recall my student years. EHU was the first university I studied in. It taught me a lot, opened new horizons for me, nurtured important hard skills, and helped me with my further studies and to grow as a professional. During studies, I met lots of amazing people, whom we got along with and by now keep in contact with, regardless of the location. I can say for sure, EHU differs from the other universities by giving you the sense of family, which is ready to give a helping hand to you.
Ilona Belyatskaya, Bachelor’s program «Cultural heritage and tourism» alumna (Class 2012), Master’s program «Cultural studies» alumna (Class 2014)
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EHU taught me to learn, to think globally and not to be afraid to ask questions.
“EHU taught me to learn, to think globally and not to be afraid to ask questions. After EHU, I've received a Master’s degree at the Goldsmiths, University of London. I have a professional background in the top-management selection for the largest companies around the world”.
Andrei Mayeuski, Bachelor program "Political Science and European Studies" alumnus (2012)
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I’m happy to meet EHU alumni around the globe and cooperate with them, because we're on the same wavelength.
I’m grateful, because here at EHU I wasn’t discouraged from studying. Really! It’s incredibly important. The educational process was very different from the one in Belarus. We had special programs in european style, foreign visiting lecturers and internships. Prominent artists came by and shared their experience. Student life was vibrant! I’ve seen one common trait in my fellows: even though our occupations are not directly linked to the specializations listed in the diplomas, we’re connected through our aspiration to move forward, face and solve hard problems, not be frightened by tough situations, to plan and take action. I’m happy to meet EHU alumni around the globe and cooperate with them, because we're on the same wavelength.
Elvira Karalyova, Art department, specialization “Art History” alumna (Class 2003)
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I am grateful to my teachers for supporting my decision.
At EHU I decided to write a bachelor thesis on space law. I am grateful to EHU faculty members, who supported my decision and gave me the opportunity to carry out a more profound research in this area. In Belarus, I would not have such an opportunity. After EHU I was enrolled into the University of Nebraska program "Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law". I was the only non-American student and, as far as I know, the only graduate from the post-Soviet countries.
Artsiom Anisimau BA program"International Law" (Class 2009)
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At EHU I got a very good education in design
We studied a lot of theory at EHU. When I started working, I understood that this theory was crucial. You can always learn how to do; moreover, technologies are constantly changing, so you can’t learn how to do something once and forever. However, a good knowledge base and understanding of your industry, occupation, and mission are very important. Today I live in Amsterdam and work for «Van Eck ontwerpers".
Olga Mishyna BA program "Visual design and media" (Class 2009)
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I received excellent education in humanities and a solid foundation for working in advertising and PR.
I was lucky enough to attend BBC courses for journalists, have practice at the Delfi news agency, network with Belarusian journalists, and collect a portfolio to find the first job. After EHU, I worked with many big brands, and now I work for one of the largest media concerns of Europe - Schibsted Media Group. In Belarus, our company is known for the Kufar advertisement platform, which is in the TOP-3 of most popular Belarusian sites.
Darya Sesitskaya BA program "Media and Communication (Class 2012)
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Studying at EHU has been a 'study in action' for me.
"Studying at EHU has been a 'study in action' for me. The two previous universities I graduated from in Russia have given me an excellent theoretical basis, but there was a minimum of practice. Here, for the first time, I have had a chance not only to create projects in theory, but to bring them to life, bring them to completion and evaluate the results! I’m a bit jealous of the Bachelor's students, as they were in such a system of training from the very beginning, had an opportunity to take part in international projects, participate in the Erasmus+ programs and fulfill their potential in practice. This is a very important experience for the future. Perhaps, thanks to EHU, I’ve decided to implement my project, around which a real community of like-minded people is now formed. I’m very pleased that the university has connections with other universities, and for almost any topic you can always find a competent supervisor! My topic has been related to Vilnius Modernism. I am very grateful to Rasa Čepaitienė for her help with my Master's thesis. Without her I would not have found many sources, and some points in Lithuanian architectural history would have remained misunderstood”.
Margarita Peterson, Master’s program «Cultural heritage development» alumna (Class 2021)